Theses aren’t squad goals they’re school goals...

First goal, stop dropping my pencil case. It’s simple but very important when you think about it, I mean my pencil case is well over 100$ dollars. 2nd is to finish my note books for school I’ve already finished half of them so it’s just a matter of time. Third is to survive health, who invented it? And why whyyyyyyy. Fourth is to beat my high score of 7 fours on my report card although I probably won’t beat that I’m just going to hope I get at least one. Number five is to finish my stuff, like homework and projects on time. Six is to get sleep, this may not be an academic goal but it’s a goal, a extremely important goal because I can’t do anything if I don’t sleep. I can write much since I’m not a list person so that’s why today’s post is short.


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