WE Movement
So at my school we had this assembly, this guy named Reggie came over to my school and talked about this We movement. It's about helping people and fighting, there was already a team of kids in our school so they had a after meeting. But during the presentation Reggie shared some stories. There was this one story about this kid named Francis, he was a village boy and his brother was a hunter and Francis was always inspired by his brother and he signed up for this school the WE opened. The thing was is that not everyone who signed up could go. So they gave Francis his letter and recorded his reaction getting his approval into the school. This and the other stories inspired me to join the WE moment, in fact all of our school joined! But soon it's going to be Reggies birthday so go wish him luck! Reggie's Twitter
Thank you for sharing your post about the WE movement this week. It was very detailed and well written.