#7 don’t name blogs weirdly

Today we switched seats because we’re close to quarter 4 and just uhhhhh two people, both extremely loud and such. Which is not ideal for me ya know? One person I don’t mind but most importantly is the subjects of these posts. Try taking BURGER KING FOOT LETTUCE seriously it’s very hard so I’m keeping it on the down low because having a fictional man with hearts is not the best situation when talking about grades and such, but there was a protest going on for the shooting in Florida but it’s in proska Park and on a Friday. If we get in trouble we can blame it on this one teacher like the four year olds that we are so we’re good if we get in trouble. One of my friends is going and it’s going to be fun I think, problem is that I don’t own a orange shirt so that’s cool I guess. I just realized I write cool unconsciously and woah that’s weird. But honestly I’m at a drought as of current because nothing special happened so I’ll end this short. Eat veggies don’t eat drugs and don’t die.


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