Should we wear uniforms

If you have been alive for the past four years then you’ve heard stories about girls getting kicked out of prom for showing a inch of their shoulder and all that jazz but today we’re going to talk about uniforms, should we have them? For this argument I’m going with no we shouldn’t have them because I’m 11 and I want to wear my anime stuff. Let’s start with numero uno uniforms are hard to find and even harder to afford. Lettuce start with the hard to find,when I went to find my uniform I had to go to five different shops including the Mexican Market and that’s desperate. Second how much they cost, my gym uniform costs more than MY NORMAL UNIFORM like it’s 20 dollars for a black shirt with a red line and shorts, but that’s not all A NORMAL SWEATER IS 20 DOLLARS I MEAN COME ON!!!! And that concludes my first reason now for number two, creativity. Let me wear my terrible iceburg lettuce shirt in school because navy blue doesn’t compliment my eyes ( 10 points if you get reference) and I hate looking like another manufactured robot kid. If your asking “but why do you feel like a robot?” I’ll give you a hint it’s my name, Alexa. Number three functionality, if I pay 20 dollars for a sweater then I better be able to take it off during summer. Which didn’t happen, I’m dead in this short sleeve T shirt and sweater, if you say don’t buy it imagine winter. We can’t wear hoods in my school leaving all of the winter coats in our lockers. In the end let kids wear what they want or you driving them and their families into stage 4 bankruptcy.


  1. You have some very compelling reasons for arguing against wearing school uniforms. You also do a good job of including personal examples to back up your reasoning. Very good post this week! Thank you for sharing.


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