#6 Klance is cannon king REPEATDLY

So I didn’t do the last two ones, I’m sorry but I’ve found a loop hole. We can write A over and over and make it a run on scentence then say “I like bananas” at the end but I actually want to write so here we go. I finished season 5 of voltron and YES YESSSSS. Some spoiler warning if you want to watch it, if not then it oki doki. SO HOME BOI LANCE TRyin his best and then gyro (Shiro the leader of the group) is YELLING AT MY BOY mY BEAUTIFUL CUBAN BOY LANCE but hold up a sec that’s the fake Shiro the real Shiro is trying to reach MY BOI and HIS FRIENDS but it’s like AOL and it takes forever so only a what reaches Shiro like the renaissance painting that is comunicatoin, but enough with voltron let’s go onto random ramblings. ALL IN CAPS LETS GO, SO I BROKE MY GLASSES AGAIN FOR THE 40th TIME AND IT WAs only a year THAT THEY  LASTED AND THE INSURANCE COMPANY WILL ONLY COVER TWO DOLLORS AND 36 CENTS, LIKE THANK YOU I SAVE A WHOLE LOT ON GLASSES FRAMES WITH TWO DOLLARS AND A SPIDERS RENT. Smh what has capitalism done to this world I just want one blind girl to see klance and the rest of voltron, SEASON 6 COMING JULY 12 SPREAD THE NEWS!!!!!!! ALSO KEITHS MOM IS ACTUALLY THE KEITH NEW CONSPIRACY THEROY FOR THOSE WHO KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT ❤️! Yeah I’m tired .


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