#28 An actual actual blog🌊

Life is a never ending sea, it keeps going until you find a shore. If you don’t find that shore you’ll surely drown in the worries, stress, and grief . Some people never stop drowning others never knew you could drown, but most have gotten out only to go back in. My life is forever drowning me but I lied but it’s gotten a bit better. More peaceful really, there’s a few more spider strings I need to get rid of but after that, my life should be like the sky before a hurricane. Humid but nice, so nice that you can forget your worried and just barbecue. Although I’m not sure it’ll be that easy, nothing is never that easy, but this does give me a perfect idea for a piece! I’ll have to find that book again, the one about the louisiana hurricane. Hopefully they still have it at piper. I’ll have to ask my brother if he could get it for me. Is it bad that I miss elementary? I mean like the feeling, nostalgia really is what it is. Sometimes I get so lost in my emotions that I forget that I’m still Alexa. It’s really weird to explain but if you can at least try to understand you’ll get maybe a hint, but to understand it has to happen to you. But the reason why I miss elementary is because there was stairs that outlooked the rest of the playground. I saw one friend play kick ball and two playing four square, or well used too. Recently they’ve been leaving. Like there’s still kids but just not them. Maybe I forgot them? Maybe I shouldn’t be friends with them anymore, maybe I’m just forgetting. It’s been awhile since I’ve gone back to that spot in my mind, now I go back to Lake Michigan at night. My family visited there when Pokémon go was hot. The view was beautiful, sorta like that ocean I was describing. Now I understand, I can’t swim and I need swimming classes.


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