White fish (the opposing side)

🌙BlackFish is a 2013 documentary about the abuse of orcas, this post is the opposing side of our views, my view is that they should not be in captivity. In this post I’m calling it white fish because it’s the opposite of my view, after that disclaimer let’s continue!🌙  Some people may argue that SeaWorld doesn’t care for their orcas, so allow me to explain why they should keep being in SeaWorlds care. Number one they get better healthcare in SeaWorld than in the wild, every year they get daily checkups to see how they’re doing, preformed by some of the best vets in the world! Number two their trainers, SeaWorld makes sure that their orcas have tons of fun with toys and their trainers. Number three SeaWorld is helping them not be extinct, Recently SeaWorld donated 3 million dollars to research to help orcas. Number four Babies, whenever a animal gives birth SeaWorld makes sure to give them a healthy diet and lots of care. Just recently a sea lion named Kaboodle had a baby, they say she’s doing well and strong. Number six rescue, SeaWorld wouldn’t have gotten any of their animals trust without saving them but they did! Most of SeaWorls animals (including orcas) were rescued because they were hurt and injured. And that concludes my blog. This was painful but fun.


  1. Even though you don't agree with keeping orcas in captivity, you do a very good job arguing as to why they should be. Thank you for sharing your post this week.


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