Snow Day

On Friday it was going to snow 10 inches, and it sure did. First thing I did was ask my mom if we had school, “no ones taking you to prison just yet” said my mom. Then I dashed into my room and went to sleep for the next 2 hours, after that was done I was ready to start the day. I went to go shovel the snow but I let my sister do most of it since I’m what you call a procrastinator, then I pushed my little brother (don’t worry he’s 7) and buried him in the snow. Unfortunately he’s still alive, I could’ve won if it weren’t for the rest of my family but afterwards we went home. My sister offered to play blood borne. That is a good deal worth 4 chicken fajitas so I couldn’t pass up, I’m always the talking guide to we went and tried to figure how to defeat the boss in the area (the boss name was blood starved beast, creppy ain’t it?) and we found how to beat it by listening to Beyoncé. Yeah I know right, who knew Beyoncé could aid you in a boss battle? If your wonder it’s the song that goes “to the left, to the left, everything you own in the box to the left” it got stuck in me and my sisters head. So for the rest of the time we were singing “tO THE LEFT TO THE LEFT HOLY-“ so i guess it was pretty intense.
After that when we gave up we fought in naruto. I am naturally skilled in naruto so I obviously won (HAHAHA YES) even against my dad (VIVA REVOLUTION HAHAHA) so I mean yeah I guess I’m ok at it. Then I spent the rest of the time playing story mode which is absolute hell, but well worth it since I unlocked most of the characters. We also made sugar cookies I made the big Kahona which isn’t so big and the rest were small dots of cookie dough. Little advice don’t eat sugar cookie dough/batter and that is all.


  1. It sounds like you ended up having a fun day...what is Blood Borne? It sounds like an Thank you for sharing your post this week.


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