Argument Essay thing ( is my web stuff better than the American stuff?)

Ok so this is about if Japanese cartoons are better than western cartoons, so this is more of a first draft but I’m lazy so its shorter, Let’s begin! Japanese cartoons recently have been popping up all over America and the world, but why? Is it better than the cartoons from the West? I argue yes and here’s why. Number one, the plot, western cartoons focus on three kids saving the day and things like that. While Japanese cartoons deal with more real and fantasy stories, take Perfect Blue and Fariy Tale, perfect blue is about a pop idol star where she starts to tear her “good girl image” and pretty messed up (I won’t spoil it) while Fariy Tale is about clans of magical wizards with different powers trying to save the world,each other, and a whole lot of stuff, it’s much different than three best friends stop evil dude or power rangers 400. Music, music sets the tone in scenes and moods, when is the last time a cartoon had a good soundtrack? Maybe Steven universe and such but long ago, past then, None? Well Japanese cartoons time and time again it’s rewarded with great soundtrack awards, a great old example is Cowboy Bepop made in 1989 it’s popular with its great soundtrack, a newer example is Pulla Magica Madoka only made in 2011 with two movie adaptations the soundtrack prepared you for what was to come, classical music, vocals, and 8-bit music combined, the movie Rebellion has a great soundtrack especially the one titled “This is My Despair” by the title alone you can tell how it will sound but the violinist did a great job on this one especially. Last is the art style, sure it may all look like a manga art style but Panty, Stocking with Garderbelt is a Japanese cartoons that looks like a western one, sometimes it pokes fun at the typical anime art style along, also houseki-no-kuni a 3D Japanese cartoon that is honestly better animated than some western 3D cartoons. And that closes the curtain why Japanese cartoons are better than western ones.


  1. You share a lot of good reasons and evidence to support your claim. As I don't know much about it, it was especially helpful to have so much detail. Thank you for sharing your post this week.


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