The death of winter break

Winter break has sadly passed away a day ago,  and the question is did I actually do the stuff I said, well thing is sorta. Honestly it’s the question of who even does these? Anyway besides the point I really only did two of the things on the list. I tried to blog but I really didn’t have the time so I just resorted to google docs, I was in Mexico most of break and I couldn’t get any good WiFi so that sucked, but plus I spent most of my time I spent with a dog. The writing on personal blogs one I did do(ish) after a while I deleted them to add some more memes on my phone, you can’t blame me because they’re the essentials. Doing my homework I did that, not for this class but for others because access to docs means all of the homework Asops fables I did read, did take a bit longer but I did read it. I did wish I brang more books with me but I didn’t so tip of the year if you go anywhere bring a book, even if it’s a cook book. Suprisingly that’s all I did on the list, in general there wasn’t a lot to begin with.


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