New year resolution

My New Years resolution is not like the others, mine is made by a 11 year old. Instantly it’s better, but seriously my resolution is ehhh so let’s begin! My first thing on this list is try to be less negative. Ok so Authors note real quick, Logan Paul has just broken this resolution, not much else to say. So this one is hard since my sister has depression and the past 3 years have been terrible. Number two is to learn to cook a bit more, I spend most of my days alone at home so it’s more of a I need then a I want. Number three is a intrasting one but it’s to be taller then my dad, the only reason why my dad makes the rules is because he’s taller so if I become taller I can overthrow the mighty beds. Oh and number four is to sleep more because I need it, do you see the dark circles under my eyes? And the last is to get better at art, this is a common theme in all of my things to do lists mostly because I want to do for sure. And that’s all of the things, pretty fantastic am I right.? (No.)


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