In-cent-ive room ๐Ÿ’ธ๐Ÿ’ธ๐Ÿ’ธ

Honestly I hate the money emojis but it was nessasery for that pun don’t blame me! (And also I don’t know how to spell it) but if you’re in my school then you know what I’m talking about, but if you don’t then allow me to explain, the room is basically day care type of rooms. There’s a drawing room then there’s movies, open gym, other half of gym just for talking. Then finally the holy matrimony of this all, the forbidden technology room! Now you’re probably going to ask, why is this so special? You get to bring whatever technology you want including phones. They had a Xbox with FIFA and Minecraft. My friend allowed us to use her switch, which had arms and none of my friends knew how to operate this flat bread from the future so we played the game it was left on, Mario kart 8. Now if you’ve played Mario Kart 8 then you know how this is the most intense game other than horror games. So I chose the inkling girl while my friend debit chose Rosalina, it started and my other friend pebble start his new podcast Alexa Sucks and Debit Wins. Now if your wondering this game was indeed fair ( no it’s not, bit of favoritism if you ask me) okay, okay, okay maybe it was a bit (a lot ) biased but still none the less it was fun. After a couple rounds we traded controllers and I could start my own podcast titled Debits Doing Suprisingly Well, and yes there was favoritism and second debit was actually doing really good. We got to that stage of the haunted mansion and pebble got stuck in the stairs. He raged quit and then we stoped playing, mostly because it died. Long live the king Nintendo switch.


  1. Ariani : I wish I was there!
    Tamaki : long live the king!


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