Fiction vs Non-fiction

Fiction and Non-fiction are similar in names but are extremely different, one is about the dancing Oreos and the other is the history of Oreos. The question is which is better? I would personally choice fiction, why? Because with fiction it’s unlimited, sure you could make it as colorful and bright as you want but fiction basicly takes the normal world and modifys it. The Giver and Fahrenheit 451 are great examples of a normal world with some dark twists to it, while Harry Potter and others are great for the fantasy feel that a lot of nonfiction books can’t get. Then again if you want to have that sorta “grip on reality” then yeah non-fiction is nice. Still I’m stuck in the middle of fiction or nonfiction, honestly nonfictoin has interesting facts and talks about how people’s lives are and then fiction is really loose and free compared with nonfiction. What do you think is the better one?


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