Blackfish 🐋 ( Wow that’s dark)

🚫So Blackfish is a documentary about seaworlds orcas being held in captivity, specifically Dawn and Tilikum for the most part, but the disclaimer this movie is heavily bias and that it was made in 2013. I am not saying it’s the truth or not, for that I leave for you to decide. 🚫That out of the way let us begin. SeaWorld keeps all of its orcas in 20x60 concrete rooms that they stay in at night. Which is pretty small. This was 20 years earlier from Dawns death were a different trainer died by Tilikum, afterwords Tilikum was sent to the SeaWorld in Orlando. Nobody warned the trainers about Tilikum, all they said was that the trainer drowned. I honestly find this a bit shocking, that’s basiclly putting all of the trainers in a dark room with only a small platform to step on. I’m only a little bit shocked though, this is a world ruled by people who won’t care and never cared (I’m talking about most of the government) but the whole point of this blog post is to decide if the death of Dawn was her fault or Tilikums fault. I think neither though, I believe it’s SeaWorlds fault. Dawn was doing perfectly well doing her job and in the movie it states that Tilikum wasn’t doing a good job that day. So they should of canceled the show but sadly in this world money means everything, they continued to do the show. Dawn ran out of fish in the middle of the show and that’s when Tilikum started being aggressive. I’m pretty sure there should be another bucket of fish near by if this happens a lot. SeaWorld knows what happens when they don’t have anymore fish. They’ve known for a good 20 plus years here. Dawn went to the station where you do a relationship session with Tilikum, she really didn’t have a choice to not do it since she felt that this had to be a good show since the show weren’t doing well that day. In the end on February 24th she died. After that SeaWorld blamed her for her death. Tilikum died in 2017 a year and a week ago, and now SeaWorld gets more safety of not getting in the water. In the end everyone is dead, I’m crying and don’t watch this it’s sad, I’m not crying the sky is, FIN. ✨


  1. This is an amazing description of the documentary and includes a lot of key details. Thank you for sharing your post this week.


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