Personal Narrative

                                                    The Wisconsin Dell Waves

So you’ve heard all of the guys around town saying how their little brother is drowning down at the Hampton’s and arguably you should be helping the little brother, but I bet that you haven't heard the roles reversed. Now, on to the point. There’s a catch about the beginning, my story isn’t about the Hamptons or little brothers.  it’s about my trip to Noah's Ark Waterpark in Wisconsin Dells. Home to tourists, teens done with their summer job, elders, and families with issues, guess which one is my family? The answer is the family that has a daughter drowning in the big wave pool right next to the balloon slide for kids. As you can see, this is going to be fun.
Like any normal family that’s been a skeleton for five years, we wanted to go on a fun, super, really good, road trip!!!! I say that with a pinch of sarcasm because my family is all of the gods of war in a neatly packaged tupperware. But, you didn’t come here to watch a war of gods, so let’s skip the road trip. We checked into our motel room and hit the town with nothing because we respect the town! Ok, I’m getting off topic. My family and I were driving down to Noah's Ark. We waited in a whole line that would’ve lead us back to Chicago. Once we finally got in, we didn’t know where to go. There was too many twists and turns and some funky symbols. All we had to guide us was a map and everyone's survival skills. We found our way to the food stands and planned our attacks and strategies, or so I thought.

“So, where do we want to go to next?” My mom said.

“Let's go to that big wave thing over there!” My sister pointed to the wave pool in the center.

“Yeah that’s seems good, now get up!” Replied my mom.

If you’re wondering why my mom is saying to get up, here’s why. My mom has to force us to get up since my brother and I were begging for our lives to keep sitting on the chairs, but my mom already had a chancla ready to go. We sat up and walked to the big wave. It didn’t take any more than a good four minutes before we were whining, but we made it to the big wave of death. The reason I call it that is because it was ten feet deep in the biggest end, plus a really big wave after the five small ones. Keep note of how deep it is and the waves because it will be important later. Continuing on, my dad pulled a floaty out of the water like he just caught a fish and gave it to my mom. My sister and I had to go fishing for a floaty thing for ourselves. I asked a girl leaving if she would hand me hers, and she said yes. On the other hand, my sister was looking for one in the toddler section.Although my sister was going to do more then beg for a float from a toddler.

One thing you should have learned from the school of life to be a good human being, you need to learn how to talk with anyone, in any situation, but it's easier said than done. My family was getting used to the waves so we took to the four feet deep part. My sister floated to us.

“Hey I’m coming to the deep end, Alexa wanna come?” My sister asked.

“No I’m good, but be careful this place has the portal to Narnia” I replied.

      Remember how I told you that this pool has a ten feet end? That’s what I meant by Narnia. With a splash, my sister disappeared from the edge of the world, or rather my field of fuzzy vision. I kept playing with my mom, enjoying the waves. My dad and brother were on the other side since now the waves pulled us into the five feet end. My mom helped me not give into the waves, but while we were having fun we wondered where my sister went.

“Look!’ My mom shouted.

It was my sister, drifting like a piece of driftwood in a vast sea. My mom and I rushed to her and asked what happened.

“I might have went to the ten feet end, and I’m slipping off my floating thing, can you reach me?” My sister said.

“ God doesn’t want you to die yet, but no, I can’t reach you.” My mom said in a worrying tone.

“ I’m going to the lifeguard, I’ll be back” I said.

I was hurrying to the life guards. As of currently, I felt like a knight going to battle a dragon and the tall chair was a tower. I grabbed my dad without a word and he was confused as anyone would be. Once we arrived to the lifeguard, I just panicked. Which in my case is the worse because I can't talk to a person when I’m hyperventilating and having a panic attack.

“You do it.” I said abruptly.

“What?” My dad  replied.

“Go ask him to help your daughter!” I said angrily.

“Jesus Christ your sisters is dying, go ask him!” Exclaimed my dad.

     My dad and I were arguing like bulls, but once my dad realized that his daughter was going to die in a public wave pool he yelled at the lifeguard.


“WHERE IS SHE?” The lifeguard asked.

“NEAR THE 7 TO 8 FEET DEEP END!” My dad yelled back.

    We watched the lifeguard steadily climb down and talk into the walkie talkie. A swarm of the lifeguards at the side of the pool. We saw as they climbed down the ladders, they helped my sister up the ladder. She had to let go of her float to not fall off the ladder. Once she arrived at the top, I sprinted to her and hugged her. We walked back to our family. My brother was laying down helping himself to cheesy fries. He looked like a renaissance painting. My mom was talking with my dad while laying down, my dad was sitting up. Surprisingly we were the only ones that looked like they cared.

“Oh hi.’ My dad said casually.

“Your brother wants to go home, do you guys want to go home?” My mom asked totally ignoring my dad.Yep this is the same family of the gods and goddesses of war neatly wrapped in Tupperware. No other family could be as loving and caring as my family, Well I think at least. But this would be the last time war would hit the waves.


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