
So honesty is telling the truth willingly, it’s usually a good thing but sometimes its not a good thing. That’s what we call brutal honesty, i use to use it a lot when I was smaller. It would cause a lot of trouble since I live with war gods at my home. It would go something like this, ” I have to work all night to get you this” someone like my dad would say, then I would reply with something like this, “But overtime is worthless if you get paid minimum wage” if you’re wondering. No, I did not say that to my dad but my older sister did say that. Enough of the bad stuff, what about the good things about honesty? Well some of good things of honesty and brutal honesty is that your sharing your view of the story. With brutal honesty it’s straight foroward like “it was Karry who made a terrible mistake” which is sometimes good when people are dense (clueless) where normal honesty is “it was Kerry made a mistake”  which is notably much softer than brutal honesty. Another plus about honesty is that you gain the trust of others since your telling the truth all of the time. Which comes in handy when you’re stealing sushi!


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