Favorite Animal✨

My favorite animal is a shipworm. Not the small ones the big ones, although we don’t know much about them they’re very intrasting, but a quick warning to people who will google giant shipworms. Just imagine a void but shaped like a big ramen noodle and that’s a giant shipworm. After the warning let’s get too why the shipworm is my favorite animal. Reason one, it’s shell. The shell sorta looks like a elephant tusk, it’s used to hallow out wood since they eat wood it’s tough to get through it (i have a photo of the shell)
the black bit is the shipworm. Carrying on, even though shipworms eat wood they really don’t have to. Their bacteria eats for them (warning the video does show them cutting the shipworm open. The final reason is I think they look like the minish cap from legend of Zelda, and that’s my 2nd favorite game. And that’s a wrap, hope I scared you.


  1. Thank you for sharing your post this week! I never even knew about shipworms until reading this post, very interesting!


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