Create a Story!πŸŒ™✨ Part one hehehe

                After 2020 the “new” government is in place. The only problem is that the government is a Cosa Nostra in other words, a Mafia. The place we’ll be looking at is Re-Italy the actual Italy drowned years ago. The house of the government lives in New Meridian. Honestly it’s a sleazy place, most of the buildings are casinos and designer stores. The girl that stands on the edge of the “House” isn’t another social activist it’s the dons daughter, Emerald. The don is the boss running everything and checking who owes them. The only job they have is to protect the people. Emerald sees the only job they have is a war.

                  “Emerald your dad wants to see you” Emerald turns “just tell him I’ll come when I feel like it”  Emerald went anyway if she really meant what she said she would never be in the building in the first place. “PapΓ‘” “oh Emerald you came” Emerald wasn’t summoned to the normal don room, she was summoned to his bedroom. “Finally getting tired skeleton” Emerald’s dad just laughed. “Wow you really know how to say the nicest things Emerald” Emerald laughed a bit too. “Anyways I didn’t just call you to share jokes” “shame, what’s more important than jokes?” “ you’re going to have to be the new don soon, the bones have some dust on them” Emeralds face was immediately turned to “lmao yall better run before one of you is dead”. “Ha, honestly I’m not being don, choose someone that actually deserves to be don” right after that she was sent to her room. That’s when Emerald got a idea. Whether she likes it or not she would have to be the new don, the only way she couldn’t is if she was missing or dead. Emerald still wants to finish her shows so she chose the good ol missing case.

                                 “How to go missing without your dad thinking that your taken as hostage” is what Emerald typed in into wiki how ( I checked there’s a wiki how about this no joke I read it though) “burn all family photos, k” Emerald got a lighter went to the lake and burned the photo. Except one. The one with her dog. More specifically Emeralds therapy dog Cheri. After Cheri died Emerald refused to get another therapy dog. It was quiet for a hour near the lake. “ *sigh* Im just going to go who cares” Emerald just left with her coat and the picture heading to the slums known as New Meridian.

(P.S I might do another part of this πŸ‘Œ)


  1. Good story! This was super creative and I'm excited to read part 2. Thank you for sharing this week.


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