Singer vs writer

So I would be a singer, why? They say that  music was better when ugly people made it so that means I’ll make some good music! Honesty I would make the beat not sing but if I was a singer it would totally be a 90’s jazz band! Because 90’s themes are good and fun, and I may have not lived the 90’s but ay it was good. Although I can’t sing but jazz barely needs singers and I can’t play a saxophone or something like that honestly I would have to chosse a name for the band. Probably Rock and Riot and we would wear leather jackets and poka dot suits and dresses. Like none with lace just like it follows you when you turn. Honestly that would be the best.


  1. Thank you for sharing your post this week! I completely disagree with your ugly comment, but the rest sounds amazing. I would love to hear Rock and Riot play. :)

  2. It would be the best but I rather do rapping and hip hop with tank tops and jeans with jordens singing (music playing) “it’s going down for real” 🎷🎷🎷🎷🎷🎷🎷

  3. Polka dot suits. *clapping intensifies*

    1. *Audience stands up and claps slowly slightly going faster*


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