Best food ever!!!

The best food ever is horchata and sushi! Although I would chose horchata any day, like I can drink  10 cups of horchata. Believe me it's not impossible and I can also eat 2 plates of sushi, god bless America for shushi buffet. But let's continue on with why I like it other than how Alexa is a 2 ton vacuum machine. I love sushi because I like rice (horchata is basically rice water) and sushi is healthy since you can put cucumber and other vegetables and also you can put fish in there. Well usually you have fish in sushi but some people they're allergic to sushi and that's sorta bad. Other than that if you like sushi without the fish I hope you grow some brain cells (actually nah it cool, personal preference 👌) but the next thing to talk about is horchata! Horchata is rice water but with condensed milk and it tastes goooood ✨ gods gift to the world if people say they don’t love horchata they are lies everyone like the horchata.

Disclaimer: Alexa does not drink 3 cups of horchata and 2 plates of sushi all the time. Obviously only for special events


  1. Oh my goodness, I love sushi. I haven't tried horchata yet, but I've heard it is very yummy. Thank you for sharing your post this week.

  2. Omg horchata is so good but I can only drink like 2 cups without getting a head ache .-. I haven’t tried sushi yet so I can’t relate to that. But great post!


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