News Last Week- Hurricanes

 Today this week, hurricane Irma just ended, for Florida there are still many problems. Nursing homes have of course flooded although some senior citizens didn't get to safety in time. In a nursing home, Hurricane Irma shut the power out the 8 senior citizen sadly died due to the sweltering heat. But on a happier note Florida and the rest of the US will breathe easy for now since Hurricane Jose will most likely never touch the US. But the people who survived the hurricanes have some interesting stories, a couple with a newborn baby survived both hurricane Irma and hurricane Harvey, The couple didn't have time to escape since the baby was only born a week before hurricane Harvey. After that they drove to Miami, the advice of his friends convinced him to leave, he left Miami to go to a small hotel in Alabama, after the storm they decided to head back to Texas. But enough about the citizens of Florida and Texas what about donaters? Of course celebrities have helped with the states rebuilding but Beyoncé, Drake,Niki Minaj, and along with other stars, have helped raise 4 million dollars. I am happy to know that in a few months everything will turn back to normal and hopefully you'll be happy to hear this too. Last Week was the day of the 9/11, the event that changed America.  During the attack many people chose to jump out of the buildings while others decided to stay. After the attacks, American airports upgraded their security systems so that no more terrorists attacks could get through. The changes were good ones but it does take a long time to just get through the security systems. Honestly protection is good and all but I wish it would go quicker. And that is all I have for the news last week, I'll see you all soon.


  1. I can tell you put a lot of time and research into writing this post. Thank you for sharing.


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